Ambrose Eger
Work history
- ADAchiro DaisyLibrarian/Information Scientist
- AAAgatha AlidriLecturer
- ABAbola BernardTeaching Assistant
- ADAlezuyo DianaProcurement Assistant
- ABAmbrose ByabazaireStudent
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Established by a Statutory Instrument No.31 of 2003. Gulu University is located at the former Gulu District Farm Institute on Awich Road, Laroo Division, Gulu Municipality.Gulu University's mandate is to provide skilled human resources in the areas of education, health, agriculture, technology, research, peace and security. It is a pillar of academic, professional and sustainable development and with a mission to transform the community and conserve biodiversity.The core values and guiding principles of Gulu University are: professionalism, integrity, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability and transparency, teamwork, gender responsiveness, and concern for the elderly and people with disabilities.
LocationGulu, Northern Region, Uganda
Industryhigher education
Founded at2002
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