Aycock Andre
Work history
- AJAngermaier JoanArchival Assistant
- ARAnn Rhoads8th grade teacher
- ALAshley LongExecutive Administrative Assistant
- AKAmanda Kaiser-LopezLead Teacher
- ATAntigha TheresaFormator
Contact Information
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Email[email protected]
LocationUnited States, Woodway, Texas
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The "Company of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, Servants of the Poor" founded by Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac is an international community established as a Society of Apostolic Life (see Code of Canon Law cann. 731-755). Daughters of Charity are called to serve Jesus Christ in the person of those who are poor and marginalized, with a spirit of humility, simplicity and charity. Motivated by the love of Christ and sustained by a deep prayer life, we live together in community, supporting one another in our common mission of service, service which addresses the person in all human and spiritual dimensions. We live and work in places of social priority: hospitals, homes for troubled children, schools, day centers for the homeless, those with dependencies or handicapping conditions. We would like to be available and ready to serve everywhere where there is need and where we can bring help and support, according to our strengths and possibilities, in collaboration with others in the Church and divers groups and organizations. There are over 17,000 Daughters of Charity living and working in 94 countries throughout the world.
Company phone+33149547832
Company websitefilles-de-la-charite.org
LocationParis, Ile-de-France, France, 140 Rue du Bac
Industryreligious institutions
Founded at1633
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