Angela Hoggan
Work history
- AGAnna Giemza-PalmerPsychiatric Nurse Practitioner
- AHAlan HeffronMRI Technologist
Contact Information
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Email[email protected]
LocationUnited States, Driggs, Idaho
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Mission: Teton Valley Health Care promotes the health of the community by delivering quality, patient-centered medical services with compassion, integrity and respect. Vision: Teton Valley Health Care (TVHC) is the focal point and primary provider of high-quality, professional medical services for the Teton Valley community. TVHC is open and accessible, and provides compassionate, timely, and effective treatment. TVHC is recognized for patient-centered service and treats everyone with honesty, dignity, and respect. Through prudent management of its staff and facilities, TVHC provides for the full range of medical care available within the limits of its financial resources. We adapt our scope of services to respond to healthcare needs through community engagement, innovation and collaboration. We maximize opportunities for improved patient care, safety, and cost-efficient health care delivery. TVHC continually improves the quality of patient care by providing ongoing development, training, and educational opportunities for its staff. TVHC staff takes individual and collective responsibility for its actions and works as a cooperative, integrated team that uses its skills for the benefit of the patient and organization. TVHC staff members treat each other, the patient, and the organization with dignity and respect. Everyone's contributions to the quality of patient care and success of the organization are recognized, appreciated, and celebrated.
Company phone+12083542383
LocationDriggs, Idaho, United States, 120 E Howard St
Industryhospital & health care
Founded at1938
Annual revenue4.6M
Retail locations1
Employee trends
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