Angel Romero
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San Rafael is the economic and cultural heart of Marin County, and its high quality of life is centered on its commercial districts, strong neighborhoods and community resources such as active lifestyle and natural environment. The City of San Rafael is a full-service City with over 400 employees and an annual budget of $110 million. The vision of the City is to be a vibrant economic and cultural center reflective of its diversity. The City has a reputation as one of the healthiest Cities in California and it a great place to live, work and play. San Rafael is a 21st century government and our team is defined by a strong sense of purpose and mission. We work together within our departments, across the organization, and with the community to address the challenges of today and tomorrow. We are looking for people to join our team that share our values around reimagining the status quo and finding creative ways to say yes to community wants and needs.
Company phone+15599449459
LocationSan Rafael, California, United States, 1400 Fifth Avenue
Industrygovernment administration
Founded at1874
Retail locations2
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