Arianna Martinez
Work history
- ALAndrew LeskeEnvironmental Protection Specialist
- ASAmanda SloanATC
- ASAmanda SloanAir Traffic Controller
- AAArthur AguileraNAS Operations Manager
- AWAndrew WeatherbyComputer Scientist
Contact Information
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Email[email protected]
LocationUnited States, Vineland, New Jersey
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The FAA is on the leading edge of a new frontier in commercial space transportation, building the next generation (NextGen) of satellite-based navigation systems, and fostering the safe integration of unmanned aerial systems into our airspace. We can only dream of what the next 50 years of American ingenuity will look like, but FAA employees will be working to ensure that the United States continues to lead the world in aerospace safety, innovation and advancements that continue to push the limits of science and technology. The FAA is an operating administration within the Department of Transportation (DOT) and a proud partner in the DOT mission to serve the United States by ensuring a fast, safe, efficient, accessible and convenient transportation system that meets our vital national interests and enhances the quality of life of the American people, today and into the future. Specifically, the FAA mission is to provide the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world.
Company phone+18668355322
LocationWashington, District of Columbia, United States, 800 Independence Avenue Southwest
Industryaviation & aerospace
Founded at1958
Annual revenue19.8B
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