Arijita Dutta
Work history
- ABAbhinandan BaruaResearcher
- AGAratrika GangulyPHD Researcher
- ACAbhipriya ChatterjeeResearch Scholar
- AGAditi GangopadhyayPostdoctoral Researcher
- AGAnamika GuhaGraduate Student
Contact Information
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Email[email protected]
LocationIndia, Kolkata, West Bengal
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The University of Calcutta (informally known as Calcutta University or CU) is a collegiate public state university located in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), West Bengal, India established on 24 January 1857. It was the first institution in Asia to be established as a multidisciplinary and secular Western-style university. Its alumni and faculty include four Nobel laureates, namely Ronald Ross (Medicine), Rabindranath Tagore (Literature), C. V. Raman (Physics), and Amartya Sen (Economics).
Company phone+919434243522
LocationKolkata, West Bengal, India, 1
Industryhigher education
Founded at1857
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