Arpita Pawar
Work history
- Fly Far MediaCo-Founder
- St. Xavier's CollegeUndergraduate Student
- ACAkansha ChoudharyAssistant Professor
- ASAjay SrivastavManagement
- ASApurva SeksariaStudent
- ATApoorv TripathiStudent council
- APAnkita PalshetkarAssociate Professor
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Email[email protected]
LocationIndia, Mumbai, Maharashtra
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St. Xavier's College, is named after St. Francis Xavier, a Jesuit saint of the 16th Century who travelled to India. The College was founded by the Society of Jesus, a Christian Religious Group started by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1540. Since its inception, the Jesuits have toiled in the field of education, among other things, and were even called 'the school-masters of Europe' at one time. They are inspired by a vision of humanity drawn from the life, teachings and personality of Jesus Christ. St. Xavier's College is a Catholic institution, which strives to form men and women, especially Christians and the marginalised, to build a more just and humane world. The intellectual endeavour it strives for, focuses on critical and creative thinking, with the aim of social transformation. This endeavour is inspired by the Values of the Gospel - from the New Testament of the Christian scriptures - while it appreciates and promotes all the other religions, especially the rich religious heritage of India. On January 30, 1869, St. Xavier's College was affiliated to the University of Bombay. It is entrusted by the University with the task of preparing students for degrees in Arts, Science and Commerce. The Society of Jesus exercises responsibility over St. Xavier's College through a Governing Body whose Chairman is the Provincial of the Bombay Province of the Society. It's Vice-Chairman is the Rector of the College, while its Secretary and Chief Executive is the Principal.
Company phone+912222620661
LocationMumbai, Maharashtra, India, 3 Anandilal Podar Marg
Industryhigher education
Founded at1869
Annual revenue16M
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