Anthony Diggs
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Email[email protected]
LocationUnited States, New York, New York
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Overview: National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. (NDRI) is a tax-exempt, not-for-profit organization established in 1967 to advance and utilize scientific knowledge toward innovative solutions for substance abuse, mental health problems, HIV/AIDS and related medical and social concerns, especially among high-risk populations. NDRI's focus has broadened to reflect the changing nature of urban problems and includes HIV/AIDS prevention and epidemiology, at-risk youth, integrated health and behavioral health, training and technical assistance for treatment agencies and the criminal justice system. Currently, NDRI has 67 active research and training projects with an interdisciplinary staff of ~ 100. The diversity of the staff includes a wealth of experience, perspectives and expertise from persons in recovery, internationally recognized scientists, and pre- and post-doctoral students. NDRI maintains an international presence in the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Canada, China, France, Greece, Hungary, Nicaragua, Thailand, South Africa, the Ukraine, and Vietnam. NDRI research has contributed to both scientific and service communities and the staff has received numerous professional awards. Support services are available in the following areas: grants management, financial accounting and budgeting, personnel management, and information technology (IT). NDRI is located in Manhattan, with additional national offices. Conference and training rooms with capacities of 10 to 500 are available onsite. NDRI has an integrated network of personal computers and a variety of word-processing, database, spreadsheet, and analytic software as well as wireless communication capability throughout.
Company phone+12128454400
LocationNew York, New York, United States, 71 W 23rd St
Industryhigher education
Founded at1967
Annual revenue38.6M
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